№ 00002 How do you accept THjewellry.com ?

 I like Gallery.

 I want to present my collection in the Gallery.

 Maybe later.

 I do not like the gallery. :)


254 Voted

Basic techniques in jewelery.

about us

Thjewellry.com - a place to express yourself and your creativity.

thj CLUB

Thjewellry is the name of united team of friends and designers, who took the challenge to inform the specialized audience about recent developments and news in the world of jewelry.
The gallery represents the artists - designers, their originality and creativity that deserves the attention of the audience.

The main idea of thjewellry is to help visitors to discover the authors - jewelers. Our friends are the design and jewelry schools, and also proven and established artists from around the world. THJewellry is an online media information center. Here you can find only and exclusively unique, artistic, authors´ jewelery. THJ invites talented artists to present their collections of jewelry and artwork.


Thjewellry organizes competitions for schoolchildren and students. The competition is launched after explicitely published ad, clarifying the specific task the students have to complete, the start and end date of the competition, the theme of the concour and some other relevant details. Each jewellery, a piece of art that is part of the competition is marked with a sticker on the top of the image.

If you do jewelery, do not hesitate. Please, send a brief information about you and your jewelry:  attach the photos and at first opportunity we will contact you.




If you have any further questions contact us.  thjewellry@gmail.com

Thank you !

